Fertility Support for Women
Chinese medicine offers effective techniques for fertility support in both unexplained infertility and specifically diagnosed problems. There are many situations where regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle and reducing stress is the strategy that helps her to conceive. In other cases, more complex patterns between the Heart/Kidney/Liver energetic systems need to be addressed. Research shows that acupuncture and Chinese herbs can also assist fertility by improving ovarian reserve and function, and increasing uterine blood flow.
There are times when assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the right path for a woman to achieve pregnancy, and in these cases, acupuncture and herbal medicine have been shown to increase positive outcomes and enhance reproductive potential when used in conjunction with IUI and IVF. There is an abundance of medical research that supports the effectiveness of Chinese medicine when used alone, or when combining treatment modalities from both Eastern and Western traditions.
Evaluation for Female Fertility Support
For women, it is optimal, though not crucial, to begin Oriental medicine treatment 3 or 4 months in advance of trying to conceive. Because it takes about three months for a follicle to mature from the antral follicle stage, it is most effective to support this growth throughout as much of that process as possible. It may be helpful for women to keep a basal body temperature (BBT) chart, if possible. You can download charting directions here. For a Chinese medicine practitioner, these charts show more than just the day of ovulation, as the dips, spikes, and details of monthly temperature fluctuations often help clarify energetic and hormonal imbalances that can benefit from specific treatment. Chinese medicine approaches treatment by taking into account multiple factors in each individual:
• Whole system presentation
• Underlying constitution
• Mind-body balance
• Menstrual cycle rhythm
• Specific reproductive system symptoms
• Western tests and diagnosis
More Information About Fertility Enhancement
Eating For Fertility Support
Important Nutrients for Fertility
Regulating the Menstrual Cycle In Fertility
Medical Research on Chinese Medicine in Fertility Treatment
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Instructions
Moxabustion (Moxa) on Sp-6